When you need a CT or MRI study for your patient, you will find the resources to order the scan here.
Although you don’t have to use our referral forms, we have designed them to make your job easier, while we get all the information we need. We would be happy to send/deliver a printed referral pad to you if you’d like (please call and request at 406-237-5525). We also have an electronic version that you can print from your own computer.
For scheduling, please call (406) 237-5525 to speak with a receptionist to schedule an appointment. We’ve tried to design our scheduling process to make the time you spend on the phone with us efficient and speedy.
It is not uncommon for MRI and CT studies to need pre-authorization. We will facilitate this process as much as we are allowed, depending on the insurance company. Certain insurance companies do not allow imaging providers to complete the pre-authorization process and require that it be initiated from the referring provider. In these instances, we will fax a form with key pieces of information to help the referring provider (and staff) complete the process as quickly and accurately as possible.