Big Sky holds a firm commitment to Superior standards…Superior Technology, Superior Service, and Superior Care. The items below touch on the Superior Service component of this commitment.
Highest Quality Diagnostic Studies
Medical providers and their staff cannot be left with questionable or inconclusive imaging studies. Big Sky takes great care to offer the highest quality studies to most accurately show the anatomy in question. With the most advanced technology clinically available, providers can be more confident in making diagnoses based on Big Sky’s images.
Friendly Scheduling
The days of speaking with a person when you call somewhere seem to have passed. Not at Big Sky-when you call Big Sky you will get a real person and not a “push the numbers” game. Big Sky has friendly and efficient receptionists to quickly schedule patients for imaging studies.
Quick Study Turnaround
The highest quality images do providers no good if they are not quickly read and available for viewing. Big Sky makes images avaliable for immediate viewing on our PACS system. Upon completion of the radiologist report, the report becomes avaliable on our PACS system and our EHR automatically faxes the completed report to the providers office. Most reports are completed within one busines day.
Local Radiologists
You’ve come to know and trust the radiologists from Eastern Radiological Associates. Big Sky uses ERA to read all studies so you can have a local doctor giving you an imaging report, not a doctor thousands of miles away.